Camarillo Pride


Here is a look at our future as Camarillo Pride.

2025 - Year Four! 

In 2025, we will combat fear, hatred, and division by showing what good love and community can do for Camarillo! For this year’s event, we’ve enlisted even more help. 

We are still and will forever be committed to offering a family-friendly, free event where members of the LGBTQIA+ community, their families, and allies can gather and celebrate together in a safe, accepting, and loving environment. We are currently partnering with local businesses, and now have an eye toward creating even more safe spaces for Camarillo LGBTQIA+ community members through quarterly gatherings. We’re also starting our own Non-Profit Organization, which will be announced in 2025.

You can learn more about Camarillo Pride 2025 (and get involved) here.

Drag Bingo at Paddy's in Ventura

Our first-ever fundraiser at Paddy's in Ventura!

Love Always Wins in Camarillo, Non-Profit

What does the future hold? 


Camarillo Pride is financially sponsored by and functioning as an incorporated organization under the non-profit status of the LAWIC Foundation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation which has been granted tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). LAWIC Foundation’s Federal EIN is 33-3266239. California entity number 6570745.